Lingwei Cheng

Lingwei Cheng

PhD Candidate in Public Policy and Management

Carnegie Mellon University


Hello! I’m Lingwei and a graduating PhD candidate at CMU. I’m advised by Alex Chouldechova (Statistics/Public Policy) and Rayid Ghani (ML/Public Policy) and Brian Kovak (Economics).

My research interests lie at the intersection of public policy and machine learning. Previously, I have helped deploy and evaluate algorithmic tools in policy areas such as workforce development, education, and housing in real-world settings with stakeholders. My current work uses econometrics and machine learning to: (1) understand human incentives and behaviors in algorithm-assisted decision-making, with a focus on questions of appropriate reliance and take-up; (2) assess the social and economic impacts of algorithms, including bias audits and AI’s added value, and (3) develop tools and ML methods to address fairness and racial equity challenges in practice.

My research aspires to help organizations improve algorithmic-assisted decision-making and build institutional knowledge. I’m passionate about my research and take part in civic tech because I believe researchers in public policy should actively engage policymakers and community members.

When I’m not in my office, you can find me biking and experimenting with fusion cuisine.


  • Social and Economic Impact of Algorithm
  • Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning (FATML)
  • Labor Economics


  • PhD in Public Policy and Management, 2025 (expected)

    Carnegie Mellon University

  • MS in Computational Analysis and Public Policy

    University of Chicago

  • BA in Political Science and International Business, Minor in Economics

    Dickinson College, University of Bologna

Research & Teaching Experience


Graduate Student Research Fellow

Cornell University (Cornell Tech NYC)

Jun 2024 – Present New York, NY
Study patients’ perception of race-adjusted medical algorithms.

Graduate Student Research Fellow

RegLab at Stanford University

Jun 2022 – Jan 2023 Stanford CA
Built ML-based race imputation model using electronic health records.

Data Science Consultatnt

One Summer Chicago

Jun 2021 – Sep 2021 Chicago IL
Designed and organized the data science pilot summer program for teenagers and young adults in collaboration with staff Daniel Yao, and other industry partners; Developed the curriculum and teaching materials; Assisted in hiring instructors and teaching assistants.

Teaching Assistant

Carnegie Mellon University

Sep 2020 – Present Pittsburgh PA
Host weekly recitations for Applied Economic Analysis, Intro to Stats, and Program Evaluation course.

Adjunct Assistant Professor

University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Sep 2017 – Dec 2017 Chicago IL
Taught Data Analysis with Python to full-time and part-time MBA students and worked with other faculties and student leaders in operations and management to refine business analytics course track.

Research Analyst

Poverty Lab at UChicago Urban Labs

Aug 2016 – May 2019 Chicago, IL
Conducted applied research using causual inference (RCTs) and machine learning methods in areas including homelessness, workforce development, and post-secondary education completion; Prepared policy memos, presentations, reports, and other work products for policymakers, academics, and other stakeholders; Maintained relationship with partner organizations through data maintenance, quality assurance, and technical assistance; Organized internal workshops on data science.

Honors and Awards

Tata Consultancy Services Presidential Fellowship

K&L Gates Presidential Fellow

Les Brown Award for Excellence in Public Policy Work For Their Groundbreaking Research on Family Homelessness

Phi Beta Kappa

Civic Tech

Tech Scene Chicago

Talk about the twitter tool I built @tweechableMoment that combats online ignorance and experience as a woman working in tech in Chicago with my collaborator

Chi Hack Night Your CPS

Each summer, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) comes up with next-year’s budget for each school, but this year is different. With ballooning pension obligations, the country’s fourth largest school district is in crisis. To help parents and students dissect the budget crisis and know what the specific impacts would be on their school, my collaborator and I built Your CPS, a data-driven dynamic article that delivers personalized and interactive content about every CPS school.


  • lingweic at andrew dot cmu dot edu